Meridian Lossless Packing. A lossless file compression scheme developed by Meridian Audio of Cambridge, England adopted for use by the DVD-A standard. MLP is not a perceptual coding scheme, but instead, reduces the size of audio files without altering their contents. MLP may be used on sampling rates up to and including 192kHz of 24-bit words, on up to 63 channels. The MLP compression process does not depend on assumptions made about incoming data; instead, it works on the audio waveform, using three proprietary technologies to reduce file size: first, non-data is removed from the audio file; second, matrixing is used to reduce the correlation among channels using a large palette of special filters. Lastly, Hufman coding is used to reduce the data rate by efficiently encoding the most likely occurring successive values in the serial stream. MLP coding produces variable-rate output data, and a proprietary data buffering scheme smoothes the output rate to keep peaks from exceeding carrier bandwidth limits.