Jam sync

 A family of techniques in which a synchronization device reads timecodetime code and regenerates new timecodetime code that may not have the same address as the original timecode. Usually, the transferring of a timecodetime code and user bits from an external reference source to a SMPTE timecodetime code generator, either once, called one-time jam sync, which will align two codes at one frame only, allowing each to proceed at its own internal rate froorm that moment forward, or continuously, which will force the generator to mimic the timecodecode numbers of the reference source continuously. TimecodeTime code is read up to the last good address, then the generator uses the next consecutive address to generate a new timecodetime code, called Jam TimecodeTime Code, or JTC. The process of regenerating SMPTE timecodetime code to a previous reference: the source timecodetime code goes to the timecodetime code synchronizer, which reads it and regenerates a new copy. If there is a dropout in the timecodetime code, the synchronizer will freewheel, continuing to create timecodetime code to cover the dropout. Used to recover from

dropouts or non-continuous timecode code caused by editing.