A type of two-ended, dynamic noise reduction for magnetic tape recording and playback. The essential difference between a compander and the Dolby system is that the Dolby system is frequency-dependent. The compander was developed to reduce distortion. Dolby applies companding to frequency variations in addition to signal amplitude variations, adjusting gain as frequency changes. The Dolby-A and Dolby-SR systems are used for professional recording in studios. Consumer tape decks use either a Dolby-B or Dolby-C system. Dolby-B operates only at high frequencies and reduces tape hiss by about 10dB. Dolby-C works over a slightly wider frequency range, providing a noise reduction of up to 20dB. All of the Dolby systems operate on quiet passages, below levels of about -10VU. Very strong signals, such as over 60dB or at frequencies below 500Hz are not affected by the Dolby system because these signals are not degraded by tape noise. When the recorded signal is played back, the Dolby circuit reduces the accentuated high-frequency signals so that the frequency response of the record/playback system is flat, hence reducing also the high-frequency tape hiss, improving the S/N ratio of the taped music. See asperity, Barkhausen effect, compander, spectral recording.