Audio Engineering Society/European Broadcast Union. A standard for encoding multiple channels of digital audio along a serial cable, officially named AES3-1985. The standard specifies usually uses 3-pin XLR jacks and balanced line cables, usually running at +4dBm. Originally designed as a self-clocking system, a subsequent addendum to the specification permitted master clock systems. Two channels of digital audio data are multiplexed on a single conductor within the cable, with a maximum bit depth of 24 bits. Data are transmitted at 64 times the sample rate, allowing the possibility of sending two channels of 24-bit audio (plus ECC) to play the resulting stereo signal in real-time. AES/EBU does not carry the SCMS copy code, and is a self-clocking protocol. It has been adopted by the EIAJ, which calls it the CP-340, Type 1.

See also S/PDIF.